Art, Inspiration and Giving

Art, Inspiration and Giving

Join us for an Evening Cocktail event celebrating 40 years of the Zonta Foundation for Women and the Amelia Earhart Award—kicking off the year with fun, friendship, and social conviviality.

  • Pop-Up Art & Craft Gallery: Explore stunning works by talented Australian artists and makers.

  • Fundraising for a Cause: After costs are deducted, all funds and a percentage of gallery sales will support Zonta projects.

This event is open to everyone! Zontians are encouraged to bring friends, family, and colleagues for an unforgettable evening of celebration and giving back.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to support Zonta projects and Amelia Earhart Award.

TICKETS: $40 per person

BOOK at: https://events.humanitix.com/inspiration-art-and-giving or use the QR code

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International Women’s Day and Zonta Rose Day

International Women’s Day and Zonta Rose Day

On 8 March, Zonta International celebrates International Women's Day and Zonta Rose Day, honoring women for their achievements regardless of national, ethnic, linguistic, economic or political divisions. Support this mission by making a donation to the Zonta Foundation for Women in their honor. #RoseDay

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International Day of Zero Waste

International Day of Zero Waste

Celebrate sustainability for a brighter future for women and girls. Through the Zonta Says NOW campaign, Zonta is driving gender-equal climate action by reducing waste and promoting environmental responsibility, creating a healthier, more equitable world for all. #BuildABetterWorld #ZontaSaysNOW

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World Health Day

World Health Day

On World Health Day, recognize the vital role of health in empowering women and girls worldwide. Did you know that girls who marry before 18 are at higher risk of health complications and face greater challenges in accessing healthcare? Working together to end child marriage is vital to ensure a healthier future for all. #ZontaEmpowers #EndChildMarriage

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Earth Day

Earth Day

On Earth Day, highlight the importance of environmental stewardship in building a sustainable future for women and girls. Climate change disproportionately affects women, making it crucial to take action for both the planet and gender equality. #ZontaSaysNOW #BuildABetterWorld

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International Day of Families

International Day of Families

On International Day of Families, Zonta International acknowledges the power of family connections in creating resilient communities. By ending child marriage, girls can thrive within their families and contribute to a stronger, more resilient future. #EndChildMarriage

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International Day of Living Together in Peace

International Day of Living Together in Peace

On International Day of Living Together in Peace, Zonta International highlights the importance of working together across differences to build a peaceful and inclusive society. In armed conflict and post-conflict settings, safeguarding women's rights is crucial to achieving lasting peace and stability for all. #BuildABetterWorld

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Amelia Earhart Day

Amelia Earhart Day

On Zonta International Amelia Earhart Day, we commemorate the records she broke on this day in 1935. We celebrate her contributions to the aerospace industry and her empowerment of women in science. See how our Amelia Earhart Fellows are taking space and expanding horizons for us all at www.zonta.org/AEFellowship.


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Zonta says NOW Australian Think Tank - online session

Zonta says NOW Australian Think Tank - online session

Guest speaker, Dr Catherine Trundle, a medical anthropologist at La Trobe University. She specialises in heat stress and climate justice, so she will be the perfect speaker as we head into summer!

Catherine says:  This talk will discuss the diverse ways gender shapes experiences of extreme heat. I'll explore how extreme heat interacts with gender-based violence, care practices, women's health, parenting, and gendered workspaces. I will also examine how gender inequities interact with heat to impact women and women's rights. I'll discuss research in Australia as well as diverse international settings and consider the role of women's organisations in supporting action on extreme heat. 

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Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

Observed annually on 10 December, Human Rights Day.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

The iconic opening sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is as important today as it was when it was adopted 75 years ago. The Universal Declaration is a roadmap, helping to end wars, heal divisions and promote lives of peace and dignity for all.

Since 1950, the UN and various member states have observed 10 December as “Human Rights Day” in commemoration of the day in 1948 when the UN General Assembly passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was the first “worldwide” declaration of rights of its kind, and it was among the chief achievements of the United Nations in its early years.

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Zonta Discovery Session.  FREE virtual event

Zonta Discovery Session. FREE virtual event

You’ve heard about Zonta, but don’t know who or what we do? This is your chance to find out. This one hour session will inform you of the Mission and Vision of Zonta, our three pillars of Gender Equity, Saying No to Violence Against Women, and action on climate change. Hear from Zonta members with experience at the international and local level and what makes them passionate about Building a Better World for Women and Girls.

Register via Humanitix

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Zonta Says No Bridge Walk

Zonta Says No Bridge Walk

Arrive by 10am for a 10:15am start. Starting location: North end of Bradfield Park (near playground), Milsons Point. Zonta Club of Sydney Breakfast is hosting their third Sydney Harbour Bridge Walk on Sunday, 1 December 2024 to support our Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women campaign and to build awareness for the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism. Together wearing bright orange, we walk across the bridge from Milsons Point to Dawes Point Reserve in The Rocks. This is a peaceful walk along the pedestrian walkway across the bridge. We will have a police escort. We are able to carry placards, and these will be supplied by the Sydney Breakfast Club. There are lifts up to the bridge and down at the other end. We welcome family and friends to join us as long as everyone is registered via Humantix. Registration is mandatory for our police escort.

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Zonta Says No Yarn Bomb Display
to 10 Dec

Zonta Says No Yarn Bomb Display

To raise awareness of the 16 Days of Activism in a public and busy location, Zonta District 24 clubs have permission to yarn bomb 15 palm trees at Circular Quay. Clubs from across the District are creating unique tree wraps which will be a highly visual and bright display. Signage in multiple languages will explain the different types of domestic and family violence and encourage passersby to take action to “Change the Story”.

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Workshop: Coercive Control

Workshop: Coercive Control

A free interactive educational workshop developed to identify the red flags and early warning signs of coercive control behaviours. The program will explain coercive control and the red flags that are hidden in plain sight for so many. It is an opportunity to unite the community, connect your organisation and, through awareness, build advocacy and ultimate. Cost free Registration required at https://www.trybooking.com/CVZWF

Key focus areas:

Educating leaders, workplaces and communities about coercive control; Sharing raw and real experiences from the Clarke family; Ensuring every participant has a voice and can take part in a safe way; Committed to engaging learners in coercive control and domestic violence prevention; Promoting self-reflection, tapping into your intuition and ly create change.

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Small Steps 4 Hannah

Small Steps 4 Hannah

Guest speaker, Michael Jeh, DV Prevention Educator, representing the foundation , Small Steps 4 Hannah. He will recount the story of Hannah Clarke and her children and the positive steps that have come out of the tragedy of their deaths, as a result of family and domestic violence.

Armidale City Bowling Club Cost $45/person

Tickets available from https://www.trybooking.com/CVZWF

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District 24 AGM

District 24 AGM

All Zonta members are invited to attend the 2024 AGM of Zonta District 24. Light refreshments provided.

The AGM will be held in the afternoon, preceded by a D24 Board meeting, and Committee Chairs meeting.

Please RSVP to District Secretary by xxx date to assist with catering requirements. Please advise any dietary restrictions.

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Zonta North Sydney Birthing Kit Packing Day

Zonta North Sydney Birthing Kit Packing Day

Zonta Club of North Sydney invites you to help assemble 600 much needed Birthing Kits for women in developing countries. Every day thousands of mothers give birth without the basics to provide a hygienic environment. These simple birthing kits provide materials to help reduce the incidence of infant and maternal mortality.

Registration is required. Register at Zonta Club of North Sydney - Linda 0423 199 110, or email linda.bisnette@bigpond.com or call North Sydney Community Centre on 9922 2299.

A $5 Donation will cover the cost of one birthing kit.

Participants are asked to stay home if feeling unwell. Hand sanitiser will be provided and masks may be worn if required. Please note that because hygienic procedures need to be followed, children under 12 are not allowed and no babysitting facilities are available.

You will be notified of any changes to the event.

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International Day of the Girl

International Day of the Girl

Observed annually on 11 October, International Day of the Girl is a key global moment on which to celebrate girls everywhere, amplifying their voices, actions and leadership. It is a day that belongs to everyone who cares about girls and their rights.

This year’s theme is “Girls vision for the future”. This year’s theme conveys both the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future. (Source and more information https://www.un.org/en/observances/girl-child-day)

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